EAPS Virtual Congress

EAPS Virtual Congress

Together, apart

The EAPS 2020 virtual congress


The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our model of face-to-face meetings as authorities have imposed travel restrictions and physical distancing which are increasingly stringent. To adapt to the current situation, the EAPS board has decided to transform the 8th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS 2020) into a fully virtual event that will offer the community the possibility for educational exchanges, scientific news and best practice updates while protecting the safety, health, and well-being of all congress participants.

The virtual congress will take place between 16-19 October 2020. Virtual sessions will allow for live interaction, and will be available on-demand in the weeks following the congress.

In this time of uncertainty, we look to transform this crisis into a nеw opportunity, one that will open a wide and ongoing discussion on our collective local and national experiences and challenges in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with regard to our patients. We are working hard to make this online platform a relevant and effective communication channel with positive effects reaching far beyond the congress.

It is our goal that this virtual congress will continue to meet the needs of the EAPS community and to ensure a viable future. Registered participants will still be eligible to receive 26 CME credits attributed to the virtual meeting, and authors whose abstracts were accepted will be published in the digital abstract book.

Please, see the FAQ section below, which is updated regularly to reflect the most recent changes in policy.

We thank you in advance for your support in making the EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress a success!

Warmest Regards,

EAPS Organising Committee

EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress FAQ

Please see below the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Virtual event.

The EAPS board has decided to take the 8th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS 2020) virtual. All speakers and presentations, live discussions and Q&A, interactive poster displays and exhibitors will be held entirely online.

The EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress will be taking place between 16-19 October 2020 with live-streamed and recorded sessions according to the programme schedule. All of the meeting content will be available to registrants on demand after the congress.

The content will be available on-demand for a period of 3 months following the congress dates, for all registered participants.

To attend the EAPS virtual congress, you need a good internet connection, your device or computer, and a valid registration. You will receive login details a few days prior to the event.

All registered participants will receive an email with their login details. To log in to the EAPS 2020 virtual platform click here.

Yes. We have prepared a set of videos detailing how you can use the EAPS 2020 virtual platform and you can view them here.

If you have any other questions regarding the use of the platform please feel free to contact us.

Yes. EAPS 2020 virtual congress has been accredited with 26 European CME credits (ECMEC). To learn more about the congress accreditation and how you can receive your credits click here.


Yes, you are automatically registered for the EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress. Find details and guidance on how to navigate the meeting platform here.

Abstract Submission is closed. Registration is open and participants can register. More information is available at https://eaps2020.kenes.com/registration/ 

EAPS 2020 virtual congress will offer you a full virtual experience and the opportunity to take part in every aspect of the programme, including the chance to:

  • Access all presentations and session recordings. Create your own schedule to attend any and all of the sessions whenever and wherever you choose.
  • Network with colleagues. Browse the list of participants and click on their name to contact them.
  • Earn CME credits. Participate in the scientific programme and be eligible to receive 26 European CME credits attributed to the virtual meeting.
  • Access all the e-posters. Browse research on the hottest topics published in the congress digital abstract book and connect with the abstract authors and other colleagues from around the world through the e-poster virtual consultations.
  • Join the debate. During a live-streamed or recorded session, participate in live conversations with delegates from all over the world.
  • Give feedback. Use the short session surveys to rate the sessions and help us improve the overall quality of the programme.
  • Visit the virtual exhibition hall. Journey through the exhibition booths, explore the displayed materials, contact exhibitors directly, and chat with other visitors.

You can use the contact form here and select Registration as the Subject.

If you would like to cancel your registration to the virtual congress, you are able to receive a 100% refund on registration until 23 July 2020. Please consult the cancellation policy outlined on the registration page for the most up to date information. Please click here.

Programme and sessions

We are doing our best to ensure that the EAPS virtual congress will incorporate as much of the well-known physical Congress experience and atmosphere as possible.

No, the slides from the session presentations cannot be downloaded, but you will be able to have the oral presentations of many presenters, where the slides are being shown.

We will contact you directly regarding your participation in the programme.

Some sessions will be live and some will be pre-recorded. We are doing everything to ensure the highest possible quality of the virtual congress while maintaining the energy of live sessions and live interactions.

Q&A will be available in live sessions.

All pre-recorded presentations and posters will be available for online viewing and provide interactive options for participants to engage in.

In any case, speakers are encouraged to add email/social media information to their slides in order to enable participants to reach out with questions and comments.

Upon acceptance of your abstract, you will be contacted personally with information about submitting your e-poster

Accepted poster presenters will be asked to upload an e-poster as a 1-page file.

Accepted poster presenters will be given the option of recording a short MP3 file to explain their poster

Interaction between the E poster presenters and the participants will be available through chat

E-posters will be available throughout the Congress  and after

For other abstract related questions, please use the contact form here, selecting Abstracts as the subject.


Yes, there will be a virtual exhibition area.

We will contact you directly regarding your participation.

There is no registration for exhibition only, all exhibitors and participants may access the full virtual congress.

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