Instructions for E-Poster Presenters

Instructions for E-Poster Presenters

Please note that the upload service will be available until the extended deadline of 5 October 2020.
After this date it will no longer be possible to upload an E-Poster nor an MP3 file.

You will need your token that you should have received from the Abstracts Department to upload your E-Poster and your MP3 file.

E-poster discussion sessions

Certain E-Posters will be scheduled in dedicated E-Poster Discussion Sessions. The presenters in these sessions will upload a 1 page E-Poster file to the general poster gallery (see instructions below) and also prepare a 4 page PPT about their abstract to share live in the E-Poster Discussion Session. This will be a live session. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to share their presentation live. The first slide should contain the faculty disclosure.

E-poster viewing

E-poster viewing presentations will not have a dedicated session time and will be available for viewing through the poster gallery.
Each E-Poster will consist of a 1-page file and an MP3 audio file. The participants will be able to chat with the poster presenter through the virtual platform.

Preparations for your E-poster

Please submit your E-Poster as a 1-page PPTx-file in portrait orientation.

  • File format: PPTx only
  • Poster size in pixel: 1080 width x 1536 height – portrait orientation
  • Poster size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height – portrait orientation
  • Font size: ≥16

Recording your MP3 audio for your E-poster

For instructions on how to record a short audio file to present your E-Poster click here.

**Please note that you should NOT save the MP3 file name with any characters or symbols, only text.

E-poster chat

During the virtual congress the chat window is available from the E-Poster upload screen. To see chat from fellow participants and to answer them please enter the E-Poster upload area using your token you will receive from the abstract department. You will only be able to see chat sent to you and answer it if you are logged in to your personal E-Poster area, using your token.
Chat can be sent in two ways: 1. In private, only to the poster presenter. Here only the poster presenter and the participant corresponding with them will see the chat. 2. To all participants. Here any participant who visits the poster will see the chat. The chat is available at all times.

Networking opportunities for E-poster presenters

E-Poster presenters are asked to include a URL, linking to their own personal or institutional e-meeting rooms, where they can then meet other delegates face to face during the congress. Presenters are asked to include their availability to be online at their chosen virtual room. The URL and availability fields will be available inside the personal E-Poster area.


By uploading your E-Poster and audio file, you agree to having it published on the EAPS 2020 virtual platform for the duration of 3 months following the EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress.

Technical support 

If you have any support questions please do not hesitate to contact