Tips and Resources
Get noticed during the EAPS 2020 Virtual Congress, boost engagement with your research and make an impression on your colleagues.
Below you will find a few tips and resources to get you started.
Tips – Overview
3 Ways to Get Interactive
How to Promote Your E-posters
Social Media Tips
How to share
Suggested ways to share information about the Congress with your network:
- Live tweet from sessions, meetings and the exhibition. Be sure to mention @EAPScongress and use the hashtag #EAPS2020.
- Retweet and repost live coverage coming from the Congress’ official accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
- Post photos and mention @EAPScongress and use the hashtag #EAPS2020. You can also like and reshare and retweet EAPS 2020 posts with your friends and followers.
- Take a great selfie, while enjoying the Congress Sessions, and post it as an Instagram or a Facebook story with #EAPS2020.
- Watch and share EAPS YouTube videos.
Suggested ways to connect to other participants:
- Download from the app store the new app EAPS Congress, sign in as a delegate to connect with other attendees
- Join the European Academy of Paediatric Society (EAPS) group on LinkedIn
Social Media Resources
Graphics – Templates
Choose from a variety of pre-set messages for different platforms or customise your own promo image. The following examples are ready to be used in your channels. Feel free to edit these and write your own posts/tweets.
Don’t forget to share pictures of your attendance from EAPS 2020!
Official Hashtags
Hashtags help connect users within related conversations and are also searchable, making them a valuable resource for both clinicians and patients. We highlight encourage the use of hashtags but recommend using no more than three per tweet or post.
The official event hashtag is #EAPS2020. This should be used in all posts relating to this year’s congress!
In addition to the #EAPS2020, you can use 1-2 additional hashtags depending on the topic of your post/tweet: